Akame ga Kill! Volume 1 by Takahiro and art by Tetsuya Tashiro is very soft core porn masquerading as a story of ninjas seeking justice, peace, and fame and fortune. In the end notes Takahiro’s comments that his original pitch was “about an all-female band of assassins, and the protagonist is a boy who is…
Author: Penelope Gordon
The Boggart
The Boggart by Susan Cooper was an okay book: the kids have parents – though they are somewhat distracted and self-absorbed – and behave in a reasonably normal kid fashion but I just had a really hard time with the [small spoiler alert] with the deaths of the old Scotsman and his faithful hound at…
Playmobil Reformation
The big news in Playmobil land is the sellout in 72 hours of the first-production run of their latest figure: a smiling Martin Luther, the famed 16th-century reformer. Most of the 34,000 figures were sold in Germany. Cheeky commentators have been suggesting additions such as an historically accurate beer stein in Martin’s hand and a…
Playmobil Creator
In a 1997 October 7 interview with Ruth Walker of the Christian Science Monitor, Hans Beck, the creator of Playmobil, talks about first making toys for his eight younger siblings. His (then) favorite Playmobil item was the pirate ship. He says that you have to have fingerspitzengefuhl, a German word meaning “a special sensitivity in…
Educational Gaming
KQED Radio hosts the Mind/Shift Games and Learning site to shepherd discussion on using games in the classroom. A creative teacher in San Diego allows his students to use Minecraft to model historical artifacts. For example, last year some of his 4th graders modeled Spanish missions in Minecraft.
Gameboy emulation on iOS
Downloads such as GBA4iOS enable devices such as iPads to run Gameboy games – but you must first check that the download is compatible with your device’s iOS version. Then you need to explicitly follow the instructions. Be careful about jailbreaks and other Apple security exploits that could jeopardize the security of the data on…
Nintendo 3DS controller connection
The Nintendo 3DS controller uses an older, less secure security protocol (WEP) than that used by most Internet routers (WPA2). To connect the controller to the Internet, configure an inexpensive router as a bridge (talking WEP on one side and WPA2 on the other).
Aunt Pennie’s
Coming Attractions Minecraft Mods Nintendo Internet Hookup Contact For more information please contact pegordon@1plug.com.